“Idiot! I already told you: take the shoes UPSTAIRS to the parlor behind the music room.”
“Take them up to the Sultan’s parlor, on the third floor behind the music room, and put them on the rug. I can’t leave the door.”
“May Allah preserve us from such idiots! These are sweetmeats for ladies! Take them around to the east wing.”
“You got me away from my game for this? Come back with a proper delivery!”
“I told you to get out of here. Do you need my sword to repeat the message?”
“I suppose you can’t tell your head from your backside either! Take the shoes UPSTAIRS.”
“Well, well! An honest beggar! I’ll see that this is returned to its proper place.”
The guard tosses you a copper dirham and sends you on your way.
“Has there ever been such a benighted imbecile? GIVE me what you’ve got, or get out of here!”
“You HAD your chance to talk! The Sultan would have my head on a platter if I let you talk your way in.”
“Greetings, traveler. Kindly tell me your name.”
“Did I get your name right?”
“Tell me your name.”
“Are you male or female?”
“None of that, or you’ll be studying the Sultan’s lands from below, if you see what I mean.
“Don’t try my patience too hard. I’ve got an appointment with the swordsmith. Tell me what name to record and we’ll both be on our way.”
“Don’t tell me. Let me guess. Someone threw it out a window just as you were walking by, and you didn’t know what else to do with it.
“Now get out of here and don’t try anything else like that.”
“I didn’t ask that.
“I’m afraid that is not an option here.
“So I see. But unaccompanied children may have difficulty gaining admittance to some portions of the palace, so it would be best to admit that you are either a boy or a girl.”
“Evasiveness on this point can only rouse suspicion.
“Very well then. Tell me what name you are using today.”